War Horse Brewing: Raising a Can to Support Our Heroes

War Horse Brewing: Raising a Can to Support Our Heroes

Jun 14, 2024Katharine Warner

War Horse Brewing Company is more than just a place to find delicious craft beers. We are a company committed to giving back to those who have served our country. 

For every Lieutenant Dan can sold, War Horse Brewing Company donates a portion of the proceeds to the Infinite Hero Foundation. This incredible nonprofit organization is dedicated to funding and supporting programs that address the mental and physical challenges faced by veterans and their families.

Infinite Hero believes that those who have risked their lives for our country deserve to have their sacrifice and bravery rewarded. They go beyond simple words of gratitude and take action by providing access to innovative rehabilitation programs. These programs are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of veterans and their families, helping them overcome the challenges they face and live fulfilling lives.

By choosing a Lieutenant Dan can, you're not just enjoying a refreshing beverage, you're also making a difference in the lives of those who have bravely served our country. War Horse Brewing Company has partnered with Infinite Hero to show our veterans the gratitude they deserve. So next time you're looking for a craft beer, consider raising a can of Lieutenant Dan to our heroes.

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